Thursday, March 26, 2020

O Mother Pleeeease Save me - before birth , after birth & through whole life ------ Kalyug ------ A Bad Yug for Women

ऐसा मुझे पता है माँ , मैं तेरी अपनी नहीं पराई हूँ माँ !
जब सृष्टि चले मेरे से , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
रामायण चले मेरे इर्द - गिर्दतब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
महाभारत चले मेरे इर्द - गिर्द , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
भारत के साथ माता लगावें , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
धरती के साथ माता लगावें , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
दुनिआ जन्मी जिसकी कोख से , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
झाँसी की रानी बनी मैं , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
गांधी इंदिरा बनी मैं , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
PT , सायना, सानीया  बनी मैं , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
दुर्गा , लक्ष्मी , सरस्वती को पूजें , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
नैना , वैष्णो , चामुण्डा पूजें , तब भी क्या पराई हूँ माँ !
एक बार जन्म तो दे माँ , सब कुछ बन दिखलाऊँगी माँ !
 ऐसा मुझे पता है माँ , मैं तेरी अपनी नहीं पराई हूँ माँ !
                Whether we have a right to join the word Mata with Bharat or Maiya with holy river the Ganga or worship durga in Navratra. Here we are playing double game with female. In one side we call them mata or maiya and in other side at ground level situation is totally different. Current example of Nirbhya case and so many cases of eve – teasing is there. Nirbhaya case open our eyes and to let the door for discussion on sexual harassment in Indian society. Before this nobody discuss these matters openly in family. People specially youth gather for justice to Nirbhaya. Minimum punishment for this type of cases should be death sentence and no relaxation for below 18.
                There are thousand of cases of eve – teasing occurs daily in buses and trains. There are so many cases of sexual harassment come to notice, where victim is relative or known person.  In that situation Police can’t do anything. These incidents occur due to low mental level or lack of moral education. If these incidents continuously run then no one is safe in his own house or at known place. There are so many untoward incidents, which your daughter, sister, wife faces and it is known only to peer group of your daughter or your sister or your wife because they don’t want to discuss with the family member. Lack of education and moral value is main reason behind these incidents. Most Indian women faces eve – teasing day to day life. Eve – teasing is sexual harassment toward women by men, which can ranges from very low level to very high level like sexually suggestive remarks, catcalls, brushing etc.
According to WHO ( World Health Organization) , India is not safe for any female to travel alone in India. There are lots of cases of sexual harassment comes to notice but most of the cases are pressed by family member or Police. There are so many remedies for eve – teasing.
                Firstly ignore these people like barking dog in the street. Remain in group as possible. Avoid walking on lonely road. If you travel in bus and someone poke you or touch you, just pull the chain or ring the bell or dial emergency number of your city. Travel in group if you are on night duty or at a BPO jobs. Always carry a weapon like a nail cutter or small folded knife or Mirch powder. If you are seriously in trouble then poke his eyes.  Curtain of your room and bathroom should be solid. Every woman has a right to live with dignity but eve – teasing violates this right.  If you think that only young girls are affected by eve – teaser , then you are wrong. Molestation occurs for all age group, or dress they wear or their look or their profession or martial status. As women faces eve – teasing from men and we can blame ourselves for this . We adopt completely different censorship for Son and Daughter. We never asks our son that where he is going and from where he come. But on other side if girls come late then we throw shower of questions toward her. We ask her rudely that from where she comes and what was the reason behind this? If we adopting different censorship for Son and Daughter then how can we say that  “ both have equal right”. It is responsibility of parents to educate their son to respect girls. On 15th August P.M also raises this issue. PM directed all parents that take responsibility of your son and asks their Son in the same way as your daughter.          
                Acid attack is most dangerous to all of these teasing. Female affected by eve – teasing for short time but female suffer life long by acid attack. India is that country where we worship goddess but eve – tease family and throw acid on their faces. We can’t imagine the feeling and pain of girls that are affected by acid attack.  Here I share one example of Luxmi – 24 Years old girl from Delhi. She says – “When she was in 15 , she was attacked by her friend’s brother and when they throw acid on my face , then I felt like someone had set her whole body on fire. The Skin was just coming off. It was dripping from her hand and face ” . But thanks to god that social worker Alok Dixit married with her . Alok Dixit says – “I love her inner Beauty not outer beauty”
                Another major problem we face in our society is child discrimination i.e people prefer to fulfill Son’s needs as compared to daughter’s needs. They make arrangements for Son’s study but remain lazy for girl child. Parents says that why they invest on her , when one day she have to left the house. They celebrate male child’s birthday but have no money for girl child’s birthday. We are responsible for male dominated society. Male child have a right to play after study but girl child have no right to play after study. They are made for kitchen and other unproductive works.
                Dowry system in Indian society gives major stroke to decrease sex ratio. Dowry system and lust for son are the main reason behind the foeticide. If Mother becomes enemy of her girl child then no one can save her. If Mother determined then no one can stop her for girl child birth. In most cases it notices that ladies are enemy of each other. They develop the desire of male child in heart of other lady. In Indian society if first child is female then only mother can explain the bad behavior of other family member toward her. After birth of first female child, situation of family is like that some Snake bite all the family member.
“ Ladka ladki aik saman , yehi hai smridh bharat ki pehchan , banega bharat tabhi mahan”
In our society not only first girl child but birth of girl child at any stage is supposed to be burden. If you think girl child then why worship Sita , Laxmi , Saraswati , Durga , Vaishno , Naina Devi , Chamunda Devi . People need girl child at any cost. In order to fulfill desire of male child, they can do any thing. All these incidents towards women encourage people for foeticide. If we fail to stop all these incidents then that day is not far away when no parents need girl child. But sign of relief comes from central government. Here P.M Narender Modi gave the statement –“Take responsibility of your son. Inquire them in same way as Daughter”. Even HRD Minister Smriti Irani says – “When she was born, someone called her burdon”. Here she was 100% right because when female child born, people thought like some stone comes in their family. This type of thinking is national shame for us.
                Can you imagine, what happened without women? Girls are missing in foeticide with fast speed.
If this speed remains, then in 2050 India becomes women less country. Without women there would be no sister , no mother , no wife , no aunt , no mami , no massi. On the occasion of holy festival rakhi , what we shall do? Who birth next generation? You can imagine the situation in 2050 by few problems occur in 2014. In Haryana due to low sex ratio bride buying is normal. In Jind unmarried youth organization coined the slogan – Bahu dilao – vote lo. They say their main priority is marriage, all other priority are behind this. In India foeticide is accelerate due to fear of huge wedding and dowry cost. But situation becomes worse; when by spending huge amount of money groom side exploit their daughter for more dowries.  
                HRD minister Smriti Irani says – “If you teach girl child then you are educating future” .  Education saves them from exploitation either by husband or by society. Educated lady can take every decision. Family members can force illiterate lady for foeticide but educated lady can’t come under any pressure.
                Although we are living in developed society but our attitude toward working women is still there. Either she works in BPO , Private Company , Bank , Teaching ; all are under strict surveillance of parents or husband. Even 50% of parents and husband suspect their daughter or wife. Is it a right of equality? Answer is purely NOO --- . In one side we gave more freedom to male child but put restriction on girl child.  Punjab Govt. running campaign to save girl child under the name ---NANHI CHAVN. They also gave the slogan – “ Kudia maar mukavange , bahua kitho liaunge”.
                As sex determination is prohibited in India but there are so many clinics in India where sex determination test are done for money. Few Doctors can do anything for money. We can’t blame these clinics. We are blame for this because we pressurize them to determine sex by money. We are killing innocent girls for desire of Son. We know very well that no country can progress without women and without women every country is incomplete. After knowing everything we are indulge in foeticide. It is matter of great concern for few states like Punjab, Haryana, where sex ratio dripping rapidly. Central government is making arrangements to increase sex ratio and to protect ladies from eve – teasing in offices of various departments.  Central government encourages women to apply more and more for any posts, so that men and women ratio in various departments becomes equal.  In UPSC Examinations there is no fee for women candidates.
                Without society contribution, central and state govt. can’t do anything. Success of any female welfare scheme depends upon people’s interest toward these schemes. In old times people kill the new born child if this child is girl. No doubt at that time we were bonded with culture and rituals, but now we are living in democratic country and doing the same killing.  In old time we kill them after birth but now we are killing them before birth. Now in these situation girls requests her mother that pleeease save me.  I am your. I want to become like you. After birth I want to become sister, mother, and wife. Please don’t kill me. O Mother please saves me.
                Lastly I request from all Indian that respect females because your sister , your Mother , Your wife , all are females. As so many females are connected with our life, then why females are affected by eve – teasing?  We have to educate our son from the beginning that respects girls. By adopting this culture we can make safe and peaceful India.
                As India is independent but it is only for men not for women. How can we say that India is Independent for women, when a single woman can’t travel through India?  So we have to make an arrangement for women to feel them living in free India. When parents allow their daughter to out of house without feeling any insecurity, then at that time we can say that they are living in free India.  All the custom will be changed if the entire mother at least gives their daughter all things and freedom to which they have deprived in their own life. Mother , Wife , Sister  are all beautiful things made by god and we should respect the creature of god and people should understand this spiritual concept. We all are creature of god and god resides in everyone in the form of soul. If everyone have soul i.e fraction of god in everyone, then why people discriminate with females , eve – tease them , physically or mentally torture them. If we torture anyone then we are showing disrespect god because we are showing disrespect to God’s creature. 
                If all people avoid eve –teasing, then their sister, Wife and mother would be safe. If you eve- tease any female then it means that someone eve – tease your Sister , Wife or Mother. Now Cat is in your hand and it depends upon you that you leave it or kill it. Our image of goddess worship country is totally shattered by Nirbhaya case.
                If your attitude toward women is safe, then they are safe. Attitudes directly come from mind. If your attitude is wrong, then it means that mind is out of way.
बेटिओं से प्यार करो !
यह देश का गहना है !
इस गहने को प्यार दो !
भारत माँ ने इसे पहना है !
हर गाँवों शहर से आई पुकार !
बेटी चाहिए अब की बार !
जब बेटा बेटी एक समान !
तभी बनेगा भारत महान

 Safe and Educated Woman Means Progressive India.

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